Open Sans
Noto Sans
Bebas Neue
Great Vibes
Rock Salt
Indie Flower
Roboto Slab
Noto Serif
Open Sans
Develop the most in-demand skills of the digital age.
Understand the world and yourself by learning new and enhancing you existing durable skills..
In a world where knowledge is constantly expanding and changing, embracing lifelong learning allows individuals to remain agile, adaptable, and fulfilled. It not only enhances your career prospects but also enriches your personal life by keeping your mind active and curious. Chase your passion!
I have participated in several of Carl’s seminars through ESI. When I think of Carl’s presenting and teaching style one word comes to mind, “passion”.
I can’t recall ever having a better teacher. He understands the field so well plus he really works to keep everyone engaged.
I have watched him work through lunch break, stay after the session, work one on one with participants inside and outside the seminar and even follow up their progress with phone calls. He makes sure everyone of all experience levels gets engaged.
In addition to his passion for his field, Carl takes his role very seriously. He is approachable and full of energy. If he was a car he would be a Ferrari!
Araz Jahani, PMP, P. Eng., BBSE Project Manager, Research In Motion
I believe Carl brings three remarkable strengths to the CSC practice.
First, his comprehensive understanding of Project Management is based on years of strategic, executive level innovation at a leading Canadian communications firm. Second, his enthusiastic commitment to holistic personal and professional values ensures a totally people-centric focus. Finally – because he’s always in touch with his generous and informed authentic voice, Carl is an extremely effective presenter, teacher and coach.
John Barker, President, TruNote Speech Mentoring
Carl is one of ESI’s most highly experienced and engaging facilitators. He has a unique ability to effectively integrate vision, strategy and execution to impact our customers’ business outcomes. Combined with his work experience, executive level decision makers understand and appreciate how Carl’s approach has helped develop their people and their processes, leading to optimizing their projects.
In the classroom, Carl is very animated and engaging and helps to transfer critical skills and methodologies through his stories. His teaching examples using real life situations create a connection with participants and ensures the concepts, case studies and tools are relevant to their work. He can adapt his learning approach to a broad range of experience levels in the room.
Outside of the seminar environment, Carl has delivered numerous key note presentations to audiences of hundreds, many times to a standing ovation.
Michael Fehr, Regional Vice President Canada, ESI International
Copyright CSC Inc. 2021